Getting off the Sugar Train!
Probably the most asked question I get as a Nutrition & Lifestyle Coach is 👇
You want to know how? For the next 3 minutes of your time I will depart my top 3 tips when it comes to helping you reduce those highs and lows from the “Cu Chulainn Roller Coaster” sugar train which you so want to get off but just don’t know how to….. yet!
Tip 1:
Don’t skip breakfast – what has this got anything to do with wanting a wispa and cup of tea at 11am or a rocky road at 3pm? Starting the day with a good nutritious, protein rich breakfast can really set the tone and impact the food choices you make for the rest of the day.
How? Breakfast helps regulate blood sugar levels which is key to feeling satisfied and full and can lessen those sugary cravings.
Here are some breakfast options that will certainly pack a punch and keep the sugar monster at bay:
1. Simple eggs on toast, sprinkle of pepper and oregano (eggs a powerhouse of nutrients)
2. Overnight oats (try chia, sunflower and flax). Add fruit and spoon of nut butter
3. Blueberry pancakes made in batches (can be frozen). Serve with honey, sliced banana and Greek yoghurt
4. Homemade granola (check out my page for recipe) with blueberries, sliced apple, drizzle of honey and Greek yoghurt
5. Poached, scrambled, fried eggs on wholemeal, cherry tomatoes, sliced avocado and spinach
Tip 2:
Balanced Meals – might sound easy and straight forward but sometimes we have been doing the same thing for so long (plate of food that lacks colour, variety, and all the essentials components like our best friends, protein, carbohydrate and healthy fats). To be educated around how to put a plate of food together that not only tastes delicious (1st rule always) but satisfies your hunger and has the right balance of nutrients to hit all the right spots is key to regulating blood sugar levels and making us feel satisfied for longer.
How? Think the “Mediterranean” diet. Half your plate full of colour (rainbow), 1/4 full of slow releasing carbohydrate and ¼ good quality protein. Sprinkle that with some healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil, seeds and nuts) and your body is going to be singing from the roof tops! Literally HALLALEHUI.
Tip 3:
Snack Smart – Stock Up!!! KEY TO SUCCESS! If you know you’re going to be grabbing for the sugary sweet treat mid-morning, afternoon and evening, and you feel this is zapping your energy, making your feel sluggish and a bit crappy well then have a substitute. I have a handful of yummy, easy to make healthy sweet treats I love to share with my clients that hit the spot every time (check out my Instagram page for all my favourite recipes). The best part, make them once and they last sitting nicely in the fridge in an airtight container all ready for you with a cup of tea!
Applying the above 3 tips I hope will help support you and your cravings. I love the 80/20 rule and apply it frequently for myself and my family. Aim for 80% of your diet to come from fresh unprocessed whole foods (and homemade healthy sweet treats) with 20% of the time not as rigid. It’s a much more flexible approach to eating which encourages a realistic balanced diet and indulging in moderation rather than restrictive dieting.
And with that in mind I’m applying the 20% rule this evening as I wait patiently for my son to arrive home with a box of “Off Beat” donuts; I even googled the one I want…. Mine is the Boston Crème, which one is your favourite?
I hope you enjoyed the read. I always love sharing my top tips all Health and Wellness – practical tips that you can integrate into your daily lives – made easy.
👉Next Blog (Number 6) is UNMISSABLE!! Out in September.
Are you a Busy Working Mum who? ⬇️
1. Works from home at least 3 days a week
2. You love the flexibility but feel “boundaries are getting blurred” with work/life balance
3. Your office is at the kitchen table or in your bedroom and your routine is non existent
4. Your health has taken a nose dive in terms of your eating habits
5. You graze throughout the day, picking at food and crave sugary treats
6. Your weight is on the increase
👉If this is you, I have something for you….
I am going to be sharing my top tips when it comes to “Working from Home the Healthy Way”.
So don’t miss Septembers edition!
💥If you know a friend, sister, cousin or work colleague who could do with some support and advice; a list of tips to get them kick-started, making Working From Home a more enjoyable, healthier experience, then why not let them in and be part of my monthly newsletter – link below!
Until next Blog!